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rAcellular Pertussis Vaccine

Vaccine Trial Centre: rAcellular Pertussis Vaccine Project Timeline


Safety and Efficacy to demonstrate non-inferior immunogenicity of a combined Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular Pertussis vaccine as compared To Adacel vaccine in healthy aged 12-17 years (TDA202)


Antibody persistence at 2 years After a single does vaccination Of acellular pertussis vaccines among Thai adolescents (TDA202 2 year follow up)


Antibody persistence at 3 years After a single does vaccination of acellular pertussis vaccines Containing genetically-detoxified pertussis toxin (TDA202 3 year follow up)


Safety and Immunogenicity

of a licensed tetanus-diphtheria-recombinant

acellular pertussis vaccine and pediatric

diphtheria-tetanus-recombinant aP vaccine when administered to healthy children

Aged 3-7 years (DTA101)


  • Antibody persistence at 5 years after a single Dose vaccination of acellular pertussis vaccines containing genetically-inactivated pertussis toxin (TDA202 5 year follow up)
  • A PhaseII/III randomized, observer-blind, active-controlled study to compare non-inferior immunogenicity of a combined Diphtheria-Tetanus-recombinant acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine to a licensed DTaP based vaccine (non-recombinant), when administered to healty toddlers aged of 15-36 months old (DTA201)