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Text Book


“Textbook on Vaccines – Concerning New Generation Vaccines” is the first textbook on Vaccines in Thailand. Contains vaccines to prevent infectious diseases found in Thailand and other developing countries This textbook of vaccinology focuses on new generation vaccines, especially those developed in the past two decades.

“Clinical Research Textbook” is the first Thai language textbook designed to sequence the steps of conducting good clinical research. It is the first book in the country. From the first step is the selection of an appropriate clinical research design to answer the research question. writing a clinical research proposal, etc., and ending with a case study of clinical vaccine research.

The book “HIV vaccine Research and Development in Thailand” is a book about experiences gained from clinical research studies of HIV vaccines. From the project phase 1 to phase 3 in Thailand and is the first foreign language (English) book in Thailand.

“Clinical Research Textbook New revised edition has revised some chapter topics. Keep content up to date and refer to the regulations that were newly released after the book was published for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd times, adding additional chapters to complete them in order to provide knowledge. A more comprehensive understanding of clinical research work Including supervision Check the contents of new textbooks